Kindle HowTo: Picture Viewer

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The following steps require the user to access the optional SD card or the Kindle's internal storage memory through a USB cable attached to a computer.

  1. Create a folder named "pictures" in the root of the Kindle's internal storage memory or the optional SD card. You will now have four folders: Audible, documents, music, and pictures.
  2. Open the "pictures" folder. Within this folder, you may categorize your pictures by creating additional folders and naming them however you wish (e.g. "birthday", "first steps", "bailing Uncle Frank out of jail", etc.) The names of these folders will be the titles of the books that will appear in your Kindle's book list when the directory is scanned (see #4 below).
  3. You may now drag and drop pictures from your computer into these sub-folders. The Kindle can recognize and display pictures of type .JPG, .GIF, and .PNG.
  4. When finished transferring pictures, disconnect the USB cable. While in the Kindle's Home screen, press Alt-Z (for additional undocumented shortcuts see Amazon Kindle Keyboard Shortcuts). This will scan the "pictures" directory, and a new e-book will appear for each sub-directory within. You may open these e-books to view your pictures.
  5. While viewing your pictures, the Menu will allow you to toggle dithering, resize to fit, and full screen modes.

Note: Although the Kindle can handle large picture files, anything bigger than 600 x 800 pixel resolution and 167 pixels-per-inch will be resized and will take longer to load.

Special thanks to Igor Skochinsky and his Reversing Everything blog for discovering and documenting the Kindle's hidden picture viewer.

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