Tabular Reflow

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When formatting ePub or MOBI eBooks to look like their print cousins, there is one issue that often arises. The reflow of text is the wrapping of words to the next line based on variables such as text size. This issue makes matching print design almost impossible unless you are designing the eBook in a format that has a fixed layout option. One element that can be rendered useless due to reflow is a table. Take this table for instance:

Descriptive Statistics
Variable Description Mean St. Dev. Source
Spending Real state government spending per capita on education, welfare, hospitals, and public health 1600 350 Census
Education Spending Real state government spending per capita on education 800 150 Census
Welfare Spending Real state government spending per capita on welfare 630 190 Census
HospitalSpending Real state government spending per capita on hospitals 50 30 Census
HealthSpending Real state government spending per capita on public health 70 35 Census
AMT Share Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 0.027 0.015 IRS
AMT Share 50k+ Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $50,000 0.080 0.040 IRS
AMT Share 75k+ Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $75,000 0.140 0.060 IRS
AMT Share 100k+ Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $100,000 0.230 0.090 IRS
AMT Share 200k+ Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $200,000 0.610 0.165 IRS
Income Real state per capita GDP 20,000 2667 BEA

This table will look good on most devices that have a width of 270 pixels or greater. If the size of the screen drops below this it can hurt the readability of the table. Isn't that why we put our data into tables in the first place? When creating our eBooks we must rethink our content to make sure it will work for casual readers on a phone as well as on our eReader tablet. Let's look at a way to restructure the tabular data so that it will work on smaller screens and still maintain readability.

Descriptive Statistics


Description: Real state government spending per capita on education, welfare, hospitals, and public health
Mean: 1600
St. Dev.: 350
Source: Census

Education Spending

Description: Real state government spending per capita on education
Mean: 800
St. Dev.: 150
Source: Census

Welfare Spending

Description: Real state government spending per capita on welfare
Mean: 630
St. Dev.: 190
Source: Census

Hospital Spending

Description: Real state government spending per capita on hospitals
Mean: 50
St. Dev.: 30
Source: Census

Health Spending

Description: Real state government spending per capita on public health
Mean: 70
St. Dev.: 35
Source: Census

AMT Share

Description: Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0
Mean: 0.027
St. Dev.: 0.015
Source: IRS

AMT Share 50k+

Description: Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $50,000
Mean: 0.080
St. Dev.: 0.040
Source: IRS

AMT Share 75k+

Description: Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $75,000
Mean: 0.140
St. Dev.: 0.060
Source: IRS

AMT Share 100k+

Description: Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $100,000
Mean: 0.230
St. Dev.: 0.090
Source: IRS

AMT Share 200k+

Description: Share of federal returns paying AMT > 0 for filers with incomes > $200,000
Mean: 0.610
St. Dev.: 0.165
Source: IRS


Description: Real state per capita GDP
Mean: 20,000
St. Dev.: 2667
Source: BEA

Now we know that our data will be able to reflow and still be readable. This layout can also be of benefit to individuals using screen readers. While many readers handle tabular data in different manners most will handle the new restructured data in a similar and easy to understand manner.

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