ABC Amber
From MobileRead
ABC Amber by ProcessText Group is a company and product that specialized in making converters. Some of them are free. ProcessText is now back to support their products range.
[edit] Notice
ABC Amber has changed their web site and now you can contact with their technical support if you have a direct paid product. Presumable the license contact can be used for support.
[edit] Various Converters
These converters are the ones most likely to be used on eBooks. They have other converters as well on the site.
- ABC Amber CHM Converter - converts Windows CHM to most popular formats (commercial, 5 page/book in trial version)
- ABC Amber LIT Converter - converts Microsoft LIT to PDF + many others (freeware)
- ABC Amber Palm Converter - converts Palm PDB and PRC to RTF, PDF, DOC, TXT, HTML, CHM, and others (freeware)
- ABC Amber PDF Converter - converts Adobe Acrobat PDF to RTF, DOC, TXT, HTML, CHM, and others (commercial, trial available)
- ABC Amber Rocket eBook Converter - converts Rocket eBook EB to RTF, PDF, DOC, TXT, HTML, CHM, and others (commercial, trial available)
- ABC Amber Sony LRF Converter - converts Sony BBeB LRF format ebooks to RTF, PDF, DOC, LIT, TXT, HTML, CHM, and others (freeware)
- ABC Amber Text Converter - converts almost every major (and many minor) text formats to RTF, PDF, LIT, RB, PDB, DOC, TXT, and many more file types (commercial, trial available)