From MobileRead
Bookle is a commercial app for Mac OS X. It can be purchased from the Apple Mac App store.
[edit] Overview
Bookle is from Stairways software and costs $9.99. It can be purchased from the Apple app store. A free manual can be downloaded from Tidbits Publishing as a Take Control eBook. The manual is available in PDF and ePub formats.
Bookle reads DRM free ePub eBooks. The program features Mac look and feel. It can open an ePub from anywhere on the computer (you can drag and drop) but makes a copy in a specific folder in ~/Library. The subfolder is dependent on the version of Mac OS X that you are using.
[edit] Features
This is version 1.0 and many more features are planned.
- Local Library displays the library contents sorted by Title.
- Local Library supports deleting from its internal library.
- Local Library list is always displayed in it own sidebar. Clicking an entry opens that book.
- Multiple open books are possible, each in its own window.
- User options include Font, Font size, background color, TTS (Does not override CSS)
- Remembers your place in the book between sessions, opens the last book automatically.