Intelligent Word Recognition

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Intelligent Word Recognition, IWR is a separate designation from OCR and usually a separate application that will recognize handwritten documents and will separate words even in languages that do not use space between the words.

[edit] Overview

Many eBook readers allow the user to hand write notes on the documents, however there is seldom the ability to recognize the text being written and convert it to electronic text. This is relative new technology to read and recognize this text.

An example of a product that both reads and supports handwritten text is ReMarkable. It converts handwritten notes to typed text.

[edit] Available tools

  • A2iA provides handwritten & printed text recognition for Mobile devices and desktops.
  • has a program called PDFelement Pro that works with PDF files including scanned ones using an OCR builtin that can recognize handwritten and printed text.

[edit] See also

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