Install Python Windows

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This page of the Visual Kindle Guide was created by Leep, pilotbob and daffy4u.

If you have any questions, please post in this thread on MobileRead.

Below are instructions for installing Python on both Windows Vista and XP computers.

[edit] Software Needed

Python 2.6.1 (Python 2.5 and 2.6 versions have been tested, including their minor updates.)

Do not use Python 3.0 or higher, it is incompatible with the current scripts created for use with the Kindle.

Note: In addition to Python, it is advisable to install PyCrypto which will allow you to run some scripts that have GUI versions.

You can find installation instructions and download links here.

[edit] Install Python on Vista

Step 1) To begin, download Active Python, Python 2.6.1msi.

Step 2) Install Python. We suggest using the default path c:\Python26.


Step 3) Add the location of the Python directories to your PATH variable, This is important so that your system finds the Python scripts.

In Windows Vista, right-click on "My Computer", then select “Properties” from the menu.

From the "Tasks" menu on the left side, click on the “Advanced system settings" link. When the "System Properties" window opens, go the bottom and click on ‘Environmental Variables”

Path properties environmental variables.jpg

Step 4) In the System Variables window scroll down until you find and highlight "PATH". Click on "Edit".

Path highlight.jpg

Step 5) Add two paths, ;c:\Python26 and ;c:\Python26\Tools\Scripts. Please note that each path starts with a semi-colon ";" Be sure your typing is correct.

You may also just copy and paste the following into the "Variable value" box:


Note: There are a lot of paths already present in the "Variable value" box (see the notepad file). You do not want to delete those paths, just add the new python paths to the very end of the line.

Click "OK" and keep clicking "OK" until you're out of the "System Properties" window.

Path edit2.jpg

[edit] Install Python on XP

Step 1) To begin, download Active Python, Python 2.6.1msi.

Step 2) Install Python. We suggest using the default path c:\Python26.

XP python2-6.jpg

Step 3) Add the location of the Python directories to your PATH variable, This is important so that your system finds the Python scripts.

In Windows XP, right-click on "My Computer", then select "Properties" from the menu.

When the "System Properties" window opens click on the tab marked "Advanced"

XP system properties.jpg

Step 4) Go to the bottom and click on 'Environmental Variables"

XP environmental variables.jpg

Step 5) In the System Variables window scroll down until you find and highlight "PATH". Click on "Edit".

XP highlight path.jpg

Step 6) Add two paths, ;c:\Python26 and ;c:\Python26\Tools\Scripts. Please note that each path starts with a semi-colon ";" Be sure your typing is correct.

You may also just copy and paste the following into the "Variable value" box:


Note: There are a lot of paths already present in the "Variable value" box. You do not want to delete those paths, just add the new python paths to the very end of the line.

Click "OK" and keep clicking "OK" until you're out of the "System Properties" window.

XP add scripts to path.jpg

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