
From MobileRead
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[edit] Overview

Why an eBook reader for a mobile phone? Certainly a normal "paper" book looks nicer. But it is not always with you. And if you have to wait for something and "kill time" - why not to read your favorite book from your mobile phone? How about an eBook reader and a browser? See below.

[edit] Usage Notes

  • Use cursor control keys to scroll text. UP - one screen backward, DOWN - one screen forward, LEFT - one line backward, RIGHT - one line forward.
  • If you keep cursor key pressed, autorepeat mode is switched on and
  • Use numeric keys 1-9 to scroll correspondent number of lines down.
  • '0' key can be used to switch to bookmarks list. You can enter any number of bookmarks and assign arbitrary names to them.
  • '#' switch to main application menu.
  • '*' repeat the previous search (first search can be initiated through main menu). Search of the whole entered phrase is performed through the whole document, case is ignored.

[edit] Ebook Reader and Web Browser

A second program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and articles from the Web. It does not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn't show images and is not able to process forms. The main idea was to make it possible to view normal sites (not WAP sites) on very small screen of mobile phone. This application shares a lot of code with MobiBo but is intended to be used to browse text data.

[edit] Notes

  • Size of loaded HTML document is limited by amount of memory available for midlet at your mobile phone. The typical limit for used memory is about 100kb for most popular phone models. Series 60 phone have 3Mb limit and new Series 40 phone - about 0.5Mb. Loading too large document will cause an OutOfMemory exception.
  • You can search internet using Google search engine using Web search item from main menu.
  • Use cursor control keys to scroll text and move between links. UP - one screen backward, DOWN - one screen forward, LEFT - one link or one line backward, RIGHT - one link or one line forward. LEFT and RIGHT keys are used to move between links if is at least one link at the page (marked with black box) or scroll screen one line forward or backward if there are no links. FIRE (ENTER) key cause transfer to the selected link.
  • If you keep cursor key pressed, autorepeat mode is switched on and text will be scrolled in desired direction until key is released.
  • Use numeric keys 1-9 to scroll corresponding number of lines down.
  • '0' key can be used to switch to main menu
  • '#' go to previous Web page (backward)
  • '*' go to next Web page (forward)
  • The program always remembers your last location - URL of document and position in it. You can go to Bookmarks and select Last bookmark to resume last session.
  • Search in document is performed starting from current page position. Search is case insensitive. Located word is displayed at the top of an the page.
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