PerfectEpub is an Open Office extension that allows you to find and fix, in text files, a large amount of formatting errors resulting from incorrect formatting when writing , scans or conversions of formats , such as PDF. PerfectEpub dramatically reduces the time of writing an essay and increases the quality of the same.
[edit] Overview
PerfectEpub, created by Sisifone, is the natural heir and combination of MyTXTcleaner and MyBookCleaner, and extends their task of cleaning the text by adding many powerful options.
[edit] Features
From the web site: The main functions of PerfectEpub are:
- Removing unwanted end sections
- Removing double spaces
- Removing spaces at the beginning or end of paragraphs
- Converting tabs to spaces
- Correction of the spaces around punctuation and parentheses
- Replacing character with three dots ellipses
- Removing dashes optional
- Separation of dialogues accompanied
- Removing blank lines in different ways
- Removing dashes at the end of paragraph
- Correction of words with dashes function dictionary
- Identification of potentially misspelled words with dictionary
- Recognition and automatic formatting of headers
Each function can be launched automatically on any document or ask for confirmation for every occasion, can be used individually or in a group with other functions. You can use the keyboard to confirm whether or not the corrections, which further speeds up the process.
[edit] For more information
- click to view English version.