The different sisters

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There was two sisters who was born at the same time. But they were different, one was a human and one was a fairy. They been separated when they were born, they didn't know that they both had a sister. They were curious cause they had the same mark on their face, they would always ask their parents if they had a sister or not, but they would always say no every single time they would always say no. At the middle of the night they both sneaked out of the house to find their lost sister. Until, they met....they were curious and shocked cause they had the smae mark on their face, but they wasn't so sure yet so they became best friends they had a fun adventure when they were fiding their lost sister. Until one night they both asked about the mark on their face....they both said "We can't be so sure yet." They both said, but suddenly....their mark glowed in the dark and they realized thag they were actually sister, they each other tightly and they lived happily ever after. The End.

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