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Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. designs, develops, publishes, and distributes globally innovative electronic language learning solutions on handheld devices, memory media cards, and via Internet downloads.

[edit] Overview

They publish mostly reference eBooks. Their stock in trade are dictionaries. They also have their own hardware handheld devices. For awhile they had a full fledged eBook reader called the Franklin eBookMan but it is no longer being made although you can still buy content for it.

The Company marketed its first handheld reference device, the Spelling AceĀ® spelling corrector, in 1986. A Bible reading device was introduced in 1989. They continue to produce dedicated portable reference devices. They have a reference device called the BOOKMAN (not to be confused with the eBookMan) that uses plug in cards to hold additional reference books. The BOOKMAN has a 4 line LCD display in most models and includes a keyboard to use to enter search values.

[edit] Other devices

  • AnyBook - an audio recording device keyed to stickers that are placed in a paper book.
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