Google eBook stores

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Google has scanned in millions of Books creating a huge collection of free and for-sale eBooks. Due the expanded list of free available eBooks, likely the largest available anywhere. Note, however, these are often not proofed and are not the best quality. Typically they license out their free eBooks collection to other vendors as a way to get people to visit their stores.

Some Google books use Adobe DRM but the free ones are usually DRM-free as well. The currently available for-sale books are obtained from publishers just like most other stores do. However, they also have some out of print but still in copyright books available which other stores typically do not.

[edit] Book Stores

Here are some placed to find the free ePUBs.

  • Google Books - You will need a free account but this can provide both searching for eBooks and free classic eBook downloads.
  • Google eBook Store - a new eBookstore directly from Google. Also has access to the free Google Books
  • Diesel eBook Free eBooks - About 1.5 million free eBooks.
  • Sony Connect - Download the software called EBook Library and make a free account. You will be able to find the free classic ePUB eBooks in the right column. Note the Sony software can serve as a PC eBook Reader for ePUB.
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