Lloyd C Douglas
From MobileRead
[edit] Douglas, Lloyd C
Original PGA ebook | Lang. | Source | Sony | Sony | Mobi- pocket | MS | EBW1150 | REB1200 | REB1100 | eREADER | GuteBook additional options used:
(--srcepub --epub --lrf --mobi --lit --1150 --1200 --1100) |
The Robe | English | File:Lloyd C. Douglas - The Robe (1942) source.rar | .epub | .lrf | .mobi | .lit | .imp | .imp | .rb | .pdb | http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks04/0400561h.html --PGnum 0364A --search "< h1>(<a name=.*?)</h1>" --replace "< h2>$1</h2>" --modi --modg |
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