Lloyd C Douglas

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[edit] Douglas, Lloyd C

Original PGA ebook Lang. Source Sony Sony Mobi- pocket MS EBW1150 REB1200 REB1100 eREADER GuteBook additional options used:

(--srcepub --epub --lrf --mobi --lit --1150 --1200 --1100)

The Robe English File:Lloyd C. Douglas - The Robe (1942) source.rar .epub .lrf .mobi .lit .imp .imp .rb .pdb http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks04/0400561h.html --PGnum 0364A --search "< h1>(<a name=.*?)</h1>" --replace "< h2>$1</h2>" --modi --modg

The above ebooks were created by GuteBook from the HTML source available from Project Gutenberg Australia referenced by its EText-No. and URL link.

This entry will showcase the ease by which ebooks of various formats can be prepared from this single source and later improved by others.

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