MPO format is used by the FUJI W1 and W3 cameras and the Nintendo 3DS game console. The specifications document is on the CIPA web site.
[edit] Overview
This is a multi-picture format established in 2009. It stores multiple associated images in a single file. The images are optimized for viewing performance on TVs and other viewing devices. An individual image has the same structure as Exif JPEG data. A Baseline MP file consists of a primary image and an additional duplicate image that has been formatted for viewing on TV. A second duplicate image may also be present. A extended MP file consists of a collection of images corresponding to one of the supported MP types. Each JPEG image is delimited by an SOI and EOI marker.
The main image of a Baseline MP file is followed by up to two thumbnails, the fist is a 4:3 image at a maximum of 640 x 480 pixels while the second is a 16:9 images at up to 1920 x 1080 pixels. The aspect ratio of the original is preserved so perhaps only one of the dimensions will be fully used. You might, for example have a 640 x 360 image for the first image if the original is 16:9. A shot may be rotated to provide the best fit for the thumbnail. A baseline MP file will use a file extension of JPG.
An extended image might be a set of pictures of an object taken from multiple view points. The file extension will be MPO.
- A multi-view camera may be used to create a panorama image using multiple images with 25-30% overlap for horizontal and 20% for vertical.
- An extended image might also be a set of pictures of an object taken from different angles such as a 3D image.
Exif tags are required but should not be duplicated for the thumbnails. Only different data should be shown.