WordSearch Bible Word Processor

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The WordSearch Word Processor is available on all WordSearch Bible versions.


[edit] Overview

Both Wordsearch 11 and WordSearch Basic include a built-in word processor to help you with your studies. It consists of a WYSIWYG editor which makes an HTML file that you can view inside WordSearch or it can be viewed outside using any web browser. By default any file saved will be placed in your documents folder in a folder called WORDsearch. These files will have an html extension. You can modify the save location from the options\settings menu choice in Wordsearch. Both the full version and the basic version work the same except the full version include the ability to create a verse link that will work inside WordSearch just like the verse links in your books, a very handy feature. The full version is also optimized to support Lesson Maker.

[edit] The commands

All of the commands you have a listed across the banner at the top of the processor window. If it is too narrow to list them all then a >> will appear that you can click to see the rest. Placing your cursor over the icon will identify what the command is for. If you are familiar with any other word processor then this one will be easy to pick up. There is even an undo command if you make a mistake. WSB WP Commands.gif

The available commands in version 11 are shown above. These include (from left to right):

  • File - create new, open, save, save as
  • Spell check
  • Undo the last change
  • Redo the last change
  • Bold text - either selected text or the next text you type. (It will remain highlighted until you tap it again.)
  • Italics text - same rules as bold, they can be on simultaneously
  • Underline text - same rules as Bold and Italic
  • A - This icon brings up a form containing Font choice, size, and Style. There are also effects that can be added such as underlining and font color. There is a huge number of fonts available including symbols and special characters.
  • Bullet formatting
  • numbered formatting
  • outdent selected lines of text, may be repeated
  • indent selected lines of text, may be repeated.
  • Justification - The next three select paragraph justification, left, centered, or right One of the three will always be highlighted.
  • link brings up a form to set up a hyperlink. References to scripture will generally happen automatically.
  • insert space will insert a number of lines reserved for student to use to write in.
  • # will renumber the selected text.
  • export document to powerpoint creates a slide show.
  • display document in full screen mode.

Word search basic is similar to the above except it is missing all commands below the justification and it adds a properties icon that permits you to enter the author and document title.

[edit] The template

[edit] WordSearch Basic

The only thing I didn't like about this implementation is that it does not indent the start of a paragraph or separate it in any way. This can make it difficult to find out where one paragraph ends and the next begins. So I set out to fix it! I found that there is a template used to start all new documents that can be used to change this behavior. It is stored with your Wordsearch program. On my machine this is D:\Program Files (x86)\WORDsearch Basic 10\Data and is called editortemplate.html. I have reproduced the file below with a minor change. On the line that begins with p {...} I have added "text-indent:1 em;" This will cause the paragraphs I write to be automatically indented on any document using this template. Note this will not change existing documents, only new ones. If you prefer to have your paragraphs separated by some white space then you could change the margin-bottom entry to something other than zero. You may need super-user privileges to change this file.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<META content="" name="AUTHOR">
<META content="" name="TITLE">
<META content="0" name="CATEGORY">
 ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
 ol ol {list-style-type: upper-alpha;}
 ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-roman;}
 ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-alpha;}
 ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-roman;}
 ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-alpha;}
 p {margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-indent:1em;}
<body contentEditable="true">

[edit] WordSearch 11

WordSearch 11 already has the file identical to the one above with the indent change already made. The template is in the WordSearch 11 folder with the same name as above.

WordSearch 11 has some specific commands to support LessonMaker that are not in WordSeach Basic 10 or any version 10 for that matter.

An interesting feature shows up in the template. Note the lines that start with ol. They are designed to automatically provide this word processor with an outlining capability. You can use it with the "number formatting" command and the "indent selection" command. Using indent on a line that was previously numbered will cause the number style to change along with the indent. This is a great outlining feature that is not documented until now.

[edit] Other Limitations

1. The WordSearch Basic 10 allows you to change the title and author for your document while the WordSearch 11 has removed that feature. It will sometimes fill in those entries on the template with the name of some book if you copied from it but of course it doesn't really make much sense if you copy from multiple books. Of course you can save your document and then use a text editor to change the title and author entries to whatever you wish.

2. The verse links will not work outside of WS including ones in other Word processors. These used to work but WordSearch has disabled the online Bible that they point to and have not fixed this to point to anywhere else such as myWSB.

3. When you copy/paste from one of your WS books to this word processor you may find you cannot edit the formatting of the pasted text. This is due to the fact that it may be using formatting that is not understood by this basic Word processor although it will display it fine.

[edit] My Documents

The files you create in this word processor are available from the "My Documents" selection from the Library panel and its alternate presentation on the resources panel. This is stored on your computer in your Documents folder in a folder called WordSearch. If you create folders inside this folder they will also show up on the library panel and resources as if they were categories. You can move your files around as needed to provide organization for you content.

However, this folder can also recognize any file with an .html extension. So you can use it to create your own book collection or collection of notes. Any word processor or editor capable of saving a .html file can be used to create the books. Microsoft Word, for example, can be used to create these files with the "save as" option to save as a web page. Note that the folder will contain several files with the same name as the html file you create. They will have different extensions and are used by WordSearch Bible to manage and provide book like features to the file you create. For example these books are searchable.

This folder can now contain PDF documents as well as HTML documents. MP3 files and WMV files will also be recognized in this folder. Other user data is also stored here such as any userbooks you might create. I have some WordSearch 5 (WS5) folders containing older documents I created a long time ago. There are other files for WordSearch Bible internal use inside this folder as well such as verse lists. Do not erase them unless you know what your doing.

There is a second copy of the "My Documents" files are stored in the area where the library is stored. In my machine this is at D:\Program Files\CROSS Shared\MyDocuments.

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