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AZD is a DRM supported format for ePub 3 files from AZARDI.

[edit] Overview

AZARDI is available for customization and branding for licensed IGP:Content Fulfilment Systems users using IGP Digital Publisher. This gives publishers of appropriate content access to the AZD secure package format.

AZARDI is designed for massively interactive training and learning content. The AZD format allows the delivery and control on the desktop of subscription content such as rich and interactive courseware learning, education and training content. An AZD format can support presentation of SWF, PDF and Silverlight modules, and work seamlessly with online resources.

[edit] Beyond ePub

The Reader for this format can be customized for each particular customer and can include extended features beyond those specific to ePub. In the commercial version, AZARDI is publisher brandable, supports user-oriented channel controlled content and highly advanced interaction with the AZARDI Interactive Engine. The interface is austere and vanilla because it is customization ready and of course because the content is more important.

Full text indexed search is currently available for AZD format eBooks.

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