CTAN is an acronym for Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. It is a collection of tools to transfer LaTeX into eBooks.
[edit] Overview
This is a bundle of lua scripts and LaTeX packages for conversion of LaTeX files to ebook formats such as ePub, mobi and ePub 3. Tex4ht is used as conversion engine.
[edit] Tex4Ht
A converter from TeX and LaTeX to SGML-based formats such as (X)HTML, MathML, OpenDocument, and DocBook, providing a configurable (La)TeX-based authoring system for hypertext.
TeX4ht does not parse (La)TeX source (so that it avoids the difficulties encountered by many other converters, arising from the irregularity of (La)TeX syntax). Instead, TeX4ht uses (La)TeX itself (with an extra macro package) to produce a non-standard DVI file that it can then process. This technique allows TeX4ht to approach the robustness characteristic of restricted-syntax systems such as hyperlatex and gellmu.
[edit] For more information
- https://ctan.org/pkg/tex4ebook?lang=en
- http://tug.org/tex4ht for current information about TeX4ht, including a bug tracker and mailing lists.