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CTAN is an acronym for Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. It is a collection of tools to transfer LaTeX into eBooks.

[edit] Overview

This is a bun­dle of lua scripts and LaTeX pack­ages for con­ver­sion of LaTeX files to ebook for­mats such as ePub, mobi and ePub 3. Tex4ht is used as con­ver­sion en­gine.

[edit] Tex4Ht

A con­verter from TeX and LaTeX to SGML-based for­mats such as (X)HTML, MathML, OpenDoc­u­ment, and DocBook, pro­vid­ing a con­fig­urable (La)TeX-based au­thor­ing sys­tem for hy­per­text.

TeX4ht does not parse (La)TeX source (so that it avoids the dif­fi­cul­ties en­coun­tered by many other con­vert­ers, aris­ing from the ir­reg­u­lar­ity of (La)TeX syn­tax). In­stead, TeX4ht uses (La)TeX it­self (with an ex­tra macro pack­age) to pro­duce a non-stan­dard DVI file that it can then pro­cess. This tech­nique al­lows TeX4ht to ap­proach the ro­bust­ness char­ac­ter­is­tic of re­stricted-syn­tax sys­tems such as hy­per­la­tex and gellmu.

[edit] For more information

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