GuteBook Ebooks

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[edit] Project Gutenberg ebooks created by GuteBook

PG EText-No. Link to ebooks created
28700 Paul Creswick - Robin Hood]

These ebooks were created by GuteBook from the HTML source available from Project Gutenberg referenced by its EText-No.

[edit] Project Gutenberg Australia ebooks created by GuteBook

PGA EText-No. Link to ebooks created
0364A Lloyd C Douglas - The Robe]
1547A Charles M Russell - Trails Plowed Under (1927)]

These ebooks were created by GuteBook from the HTML source available from Project Gutenberg Australia referenced by its EText-No. and URL Link.

[edit] Sample ebook entry wiki table

Place the below table in any newly created page for the author of your ebook. Disregard, if author's page already exists.

Original PGA ebook Lang. Source Sony Sony Mobi- pocket MS EBW1150 REB1200 REB1100 eREADER GuteBook additional options used:

(--srcepub --epub --lrf --mobi --lit --1150 --1200 --1100)

ebook title English Src.epub Sony.epub Sony.lrf MS.lit EBW1150.imp REB1200.imp REB1100.rb .pdb --options
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