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Logos Biblia is used two ways. One way is to identify a Spanish version of Logos Mobile app for iOS and Android while the second way is to point to an online connection (a web app) that is at This page covers the Biblia web app.

Biblia provides online connection to your full database. It was initially for Chrome OS but can be used on other Web Browsers. Both this app and the Logos web app are used by the Logos web site as tools to display sample pages of books. A typical Home page is shown here.


[edit] Introduction

This is a simplified version of the Logos web app. It divides the page into thirds. The left side show the screens available to view. They are Home (displayed here), Library, Search default Bible, and Notes. The other two columns show a Bible contents and another book, a commentary in this case.

[edit] Bible Links

This web app can be used to make a document such as with word that will link to a Bible. For example: would link to the Bible book of Revelation chapter 18 verse 20. The ESV Bible will be used, however other Bible versions of the text will also be shown and you can select to read more from the Bible using the ESV version.

[edit] The Word Biblia

Biblia originally was a Greek word for Papyrus scrolls because they came from the seaport of Byblos. Byblos was a large exporter of this form of paper. Over time it came to mean "book" and then "the book" or Bible.

[edit] Home

The Home column shows a search line (see below) and two entries. It also shows a inspirational entry that may look and act like advertising. Clicking that entry will open a new screen in the browser covering the topic described.

[edit] Reading plans

These include you reading plan for your Bible reading and perhaps other books.

[edit] About Biblia

One the left column an entry says "about Biblia". This has a menu of features including:

  • Blog: The Logos Blog
  • Change language: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), and Korean - There are available Bibles in all languages.
  • Switch to "mobile": full screen reading mode (scroll to bottom of screen for switch back to standard mode.)
  • Tag Bible references
  • Plugins (requires Google Chrome browser)
  • Biblia API
  • Forums: The Biblia Forum

[edit] Library

Tapping the library icon shows two columns. The left one shows Bibles and the right one shows everything else in your library. The quantity of books in each category is shown beside the titles. These lists show both sample books and books you own. There are bibles in all supported languages. There is a search field at the top and a sort option on the right.

To select or change the default bible, place cursor over the Bible and tap the small circle on the left.

The book names from Logos are used throughout. This program does not support user defined book names. It also shows Books that you do not own and cannot buy, marked as unavailable.

[edit] Search

This shows search results in this left screen column. Search can be done from the Home entry as well. The search results stay in this column if you tapped on the Search entry. The search results include a short description of the book to help with the results. Tapping the entry opens the book (often to the TOC).

[edit] Notes

This can include Notes from other users if you choose this option. These Notes are sent to faithlife web site. The display uses the left column.

[edit] Reading modes

[edit] Normal Reading

The reading modes can use the right two columns. Each of these two columns have a menu (...) that can be used to adjust the font size or switch to double wide mode where the second window disappears, full screen reading, view and select from the TOC, and a few other features.

The name of the book can be clicked to open a different book (Bible in the left column and other books in the right column). They also have a < and > entry. If you open additional books these arrows can be used to switch to the other books. There also a small "i" icon that shows you information about the book that is on the screen. A share option allows you to post a link to selected sites.

The text in the type in window shows your position in the books. You can type an entry to select a place in the book. (Passage for Bible and page for other books)

[edit] Mobile mode

There is a "Full screen" reading mode in the menus of both columns which will use the full width of the browser display. The mode has an entry near the top to return to regular mode and there is also a Mobile mode on the Biblia menu. Switching to mobile mode will also show one page across the full screen. This is primarily for Bible reading with the whole page devoted to reading. There are left and right arrows to change pages. At the very bottom of the page is an link back to standard mode which will revert to the main screen as shown here.

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